best five smart devise   in 2021

best five smart device for home  in India 2021
best five smart device for home  in India 2021

I am going to tell you about some device without which our life seems incomplete. Which I will tell you about 5 devices

so lets start

1. Mobile phone

you must be well aware of MOBILE. How useful it is in our lives. As much as the benefits are from mobile, there are some disadvantages as well.  We have a lot of time savings with mobile. The time it used to send a message to someone, is not used now. mobile is a great devise for talking. In our life, many problems are overcome with mobile. Our house has been made digital from mobile, recently 5G network has also been launched, which has made more things digital.  

Nowadays LED lights have also come to smart LED lights.  We can control the lights from our smartphone
           Mobile is the dominant of all smart devices.  We do a lot of work sitting at home from mobile.  Mobile making companies are giving so many functions.  Whether electricity bill, water bill, gas bill, phone bill can be deposited sitting at home.  And recently new apps are also being launched with which we can switch off the fans, turn off the lights and can also run.  We can also use mobile as a TV remote.  

 2. Smart Alexa                                                                                              
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You must have seen and heard about smart speakers on Google.  Smart speaker means such a device.  The device with which a lot of work is done.  He can also do work sitting at your door just by speaking.  This device is also known as Alexa.  Amazon can buy a smart speaker in the name of Alesa.

         We can hear news songs from Alexa. She also in her language of choice.  Whether it is Hindi or English.  With this device, we can make our home a smart home.
                                     We can control door bell fan lights etc. of our house    
3. Smart Watch

You will find ismart watch in the market.  Smart watch are providing different companies in the market.  Ismart watch connects to our smart device mobile.  Almost all functions of mobile are available in smart watch, whether it is WhatsApp or any message.  Whether to talk to anyone.  Smart watch gives all the facilities.  A call can also come in this watch.  Can call anyone.  We use this watch as a smartphone.
          This watch also takes care of your health.  Your location and where you are going.  Where are you coming from  Will show you about GPS.  How much are you moving in the day?  Or how much running.  Will also tell about your body.  So that you can take care of your health.

 4. LED Light

       We are now telling you about a device that will transform your house into a smart house.  We are talking about LED light.  This LED light is special.  That we can control this light from our smartphone sitting anywhere.  Whether it is in your home or outside.  We can control it from anywhere. The light gets connected to our smartphone.  And we control it with the Internet.  And the second biggest feature is this.  

            That you can light the color in the color you want from this bulb, from your mobile.

5. Outlet plug (female plug)

 Now we are telling you about such a device that can make your home a smart home for less cost.  Electric switch or plug.  This is a female plug.  This plug is connected to our smartphone.  We can turn it off from our mobile phone only.  That too while living somewhere.  Because this device is connected to the Internet.  Then you can go on off from anywhere.
 With this plug, you can add any device and turn that device into a smart device.  You can buy this plug from your need, this will also reduce your electricity expenditure.  Because you will be able to control your home lights while sitting somewhere.

thank you


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